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Guidelines for Bars

Employees MUST NOT report to work if they have symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or loss of the sense of taste/smell. If in doubt call the COVID Hotline at 462-6843 Employees absent from work due to suspected COVID-19, MUST NOT return to work unless cleared by a Medical Doctor. Workers with a cough, runny nose, jaundice, diarrhea, vomiting, should not be permitted at work. Facemask must be worn by all employees Facemask must be worn by customers except when drinking No serving of food Employers can consider the use of a touch less infrared thermometer to check the temperature of their customers each day before they enter. Any person who has a temperature of 99°F and above, should not be allowed to return until they have no fever and no evidence of COVID-19 symptoms. *Follow guidelines on Taking Temperature Hand Hygiene

  • All Employees and Customers MUST perform hand hygiene before entering the Bar. Hands must be washed under running water using liquid soap for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • A hand hygiene station must be placed at the entrance of the establishment for the customers. This station must be equipped with liquid soap and single use tissue.
  • Bartenders DO NOT have the option of replacing hand washing with hand sanitizers. All Bartenders MUST frequently wash their hands under running water using liquid soap for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • There MUST be a hand washing sink in the bar area. This sink MUST NOT be used to wash glassware.
Lounge Area/Modified Layout and Procedures
  • Change bar layouts to ensure that all customers remain at least 6 feet apart (e.g., marking tables and chairs that are not for use).
  • Encourage outdoor seating area, if not limit capacity indoors
  • Bars should provide tables and chairs 6ft apart and offer table service
  • Customers must remain at tables instead of congregating around the bar
  • Seats and tables must be cleaned and disinfected after each customer
  • Barrier must be provided at the bar counters using plexiglass
  • Bar stools must be removed
Signs and Messages
  • Post signs throughout the bar (at the entrance, hallways, in the restrooms) that promotes everyday protective measures such as practicing physical distancing and proper hand hygiene.
Cleaning and Disinfection
  • Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products. Owners can refer to Central Board of Health Facebook Page for the list of approved disinfectants.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces such as (door handles, countertops/bars, tables, chairs, cash register, receipt trays, work stations, sink handles, sinks, toilet handles, toilet, etc)
  • Wash, rinse and sanitize all utensils, glassware and store them in a safe area
  • Consider using disposable food service items (e,g, cups) If disposable items are not feasible or desirable, ensure that items are manually washing, rinsed and sanitized, or in a dish washer
  • Employees must wash their hands after handling used food service items and money.
  • There must be adequate ventilation. Keep the doors and windows open
Water Systems
  • There should be potable running water throughout the facility. Have a backup supply of water in the event the government supply is turned off or no longer available.
Physical Barriers and Guards
  • Physical barriers, such as sneeze guards and partitions, can be installed particularly in areas where it is difficult for individuals to remain at least 6 feet apart. Barriers can be useful at the bar counter.
  • No dancing nor music- close contact activities
  • No karaoke, dominoes, games night, etc
  • Video arcade, ping pong, table tennis, parties or other interactive activities are not allowed
  • All bars MUST have a functioning restroom facility for their customers. There must be pipe borne water and an emergency supply of water in the event the government supply is turned or no longer available.
  • Clean and disinfect ALL restroom surfaces including floors, sinks, faucets toilet bowls and toilet handle. Mount toilet paper and paper towel. Place lined trash can by the door. Remove anything that does not have to be in the restrooms