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Guidelines for Public Transport

  • Bus Operators and Taxi Drivers MUST NOT report to work if they have symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, respiratory symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or loss of the sense of taste/smell. If in doubt call the COVID Hotline at 462-6843
  • The vehicle must be cleaned and disinfected after every trip. Focus must be placed on high toughed areas such as the steering wheel, door handles, gear stick, dashboard controls, seats and armrests, seatbelts, hand breaks, mats and carpets etc. Use disposable cloths or paper towel to disinfect the above surfaces.
  • All Passengers MUST perform hand hygiene before entering the vehicle. Either by washing their hands under running water using liquid soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, or by using an alcohol based hand rub that contains at least 70% alcohol
  • Luggage must be handled with care and disinfected using alcohol before being placed inside the vehicle. An alcohol proof of 70% or higher can be used. Perform hand hygiene when done.
  • The seats in the vehicle should be of an impervious material to facilitate easy cleaning and disinfection.
  • Face Mask MUST be worn during the entire journey
  • Members from the same household can sit closely in the same vehicle, but should not occupy the seat adjacent and directly behind the driver.
  • Passengers from a different household sharing a bus or a taxi: There should be a limit on the number of persons seated in a vehicle based on the total number of seats. This is to achieve physical distancing. Passengers seated should be staggered. The seat adjacent and directly behind the driver should be vacant.
  • A protective barrier can be placed across the back of the driver’s seat
  • Limit direct interaction with passengers
  • Keep windows down during the journey
  • After every trip, frequently touched surfaces MUST be disinfected before receiving other passengers. Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and use only once. Do not mix chemicals!