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MOHWE Airport Entry Guidelines

Protocol for Safe Entry Into Antigua and Barbuda
August 1 2020



This document provides information for persons entering Antigua and Barbuda through the
V.C. Bird International Airport (VCBIA) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This information follows the Travel Advisory issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on July
2 2020 and is subject to change as new information becomes available. It has been
developed in conjunction with Antigua and Barbuda’s national legislation, regulations and

This document supplements previously issued documents and guidelines for the operations
at Ports of Entry in Antigua and Barbuda including the V.C. Bird International Airport.

Purpose of this Protocol
The purpose of this protocol is to provide relevant persons, agencies and institutions with
information on the requirements needed when entering Antigua and Barbuda during the
CIVID-19 pandemic. It explains and outlines the public health measures that have been
implemented to reduce the risk of the introduction of COVID-19 into Antigua and Barbuda.

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a coronavirus called SARS CoV-2. A
symptomatic COVID-19 case is a person who has developed signs and symptoms suggestive
of COVID-19. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough,
shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

COVID-19 prevention measures include regular and thorough hand hygiene, social
distancing, avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth, and good respiratory hygiene. In
public areas, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces can help
reduce the risk of infection.

COVID-19 in Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda’s outbreak of COVID-19 began in March 2020. The government of
Antigua and Barbuda implemented several measures to control the outbreak. Some of these
including the state of emergency, the mandatory wearing of face masks, social and physical
distancing remain in place.

Specific Requirements for Persons Entering Antigua and Barbuda at the VCBIA.

While in Antigua and Barbuda all persons must obey all rules, regulations, procedures and
public health measures for COVID-19 including the following:
• wear a face mask;
• practice social and physical distancing;
• practice proper respiratory (cough and sneeze) etiquette;
• sanitize their hands at sanitization stations.

Travelers must obey and follow all instructions of port health staff and officials.

All persons entering Antigua and Barbuda through the V.C. Bird International Airport will be
subject to a maximum of 14 days quarantine/surveillance/observation as outlined in the
Guidelines and Directions of the Quarantine Authority.

If persons will be in Antigua and Barbuda for less than 14 days, they will be subject to
quarantine/surveillance/observation as outlined in the Guidelines and Directions of the
Quarantine Authority for the duration of their stay.

Prior to Arrival

As outlined in the latest Travel Advisory from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all travelers to
Antigua and Barbuda must present a negative COVID-19 RT RNA PCR (real time polymerase
chain reaction) test upon entry. The test must have been taken at least seven days prior to
travel. Travelers must also complete a health screening questionnaire (Attachment I) that
will be reviewed by Port Health staff on arrival.

Persons who do not present a negative COVID-19 RT RNA PCR test should not be allowed to
board the aircraft.

On Arrival
All travelers must:
• wear a face mask
• practice social and physical distancing;
• have their temperature taken by thermal scanning, infrared thermometer or
any other method deemed appropriate by Port Health staff;

1 Children less than 12 years of age are exempt from a negative RNA RT PCR COVID-19 test prior to arrival
2 Children less than 2 years of age are exempt from wearing a face mask

• practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette.

Persons will also be observed for respiratory symptoms (coughing, sneezing and shortness
of breath) and fever. Persons displaying these symptoms or who look ill will be further
questioned and may be examined. They may also be required to take a COVID-19 test at the
airport and may be placed in isolation.

If passengers arrive in Antigua and Barbuda without a negative COVID-19 RT RNA PCR test
as outlined in the travel advisory they:

• will be subjected to screening and temperature checks upon arrival;
• may be repatriated to their country of origin;
• may be tested for COVID-19 based on a risk assessment (results can take up to 72-96
• may be placed in a government quarantine facility for a maximum of 14 days and;
• will be under surveillance/observation or quarantine for a maximum of 14 days.

Persons who arrive in Antigua and Barbuda with a negative COVID-19 RT RNA PCR test upon

• will be subjected to screening and temperature checks upon arrival;
• may be able to proceed quickly to immigration, customs and onto their hotel,
guesthouse, government quarantine facility or home;
• will be under surveillance/observation or quarantine for a maximum of 14 days.

In the event that a person presents with a positive COVID-19 test or tests positive for
COVID-19 at the VCBIA, they will immediately be placed in isolation. They will be kept in
isolation for at least 14 days. Release from isolation will be based on national guidelines.

Note: The Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment reserves the right to vary this
protocol as deemed necessary in order to ensure the health and safety of all travelers and
residents. This protocol will be updated regularly and as new information becomes
available and all updates will be provided accordingly.


                                    HEALTH SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE
(to be completed by all adult passengers prior to disembarkation)

Airline: _______________________ Flight No.: _________
Name as shown in the passport: _____________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________ Age (at last birthday): _________
Email address:______________________Contact number: _______________________
Address (overseas): _______________________________________________________
Intended address in Antigua:________________________________________________
Names and date of birth of all children travelling with you under 18 years old:
___________________________ ___________________________________
___________________________ ___________________________________
Within the past 14 days have you, or any person listed above:
1. Been diagnosed with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)? □ Yes □ No
2. Had close contact with anyone diagnosed COVID-19? □ Yes □ No
3. Provided direct care for COVID-19 patients? □ Yes □ No
4. Visited any patient having COVID-19? □ Yes □ No
5. Worked/stayed in a closed environment with a COVID-19 patient? □ Yes □ No
6. Lived in the same household as a COVID-19 patient? □ Yes □ No
7. Experienced any of the following symptoms (check all reported symptoms):
□ Fever/chills □ Cough □ Sore throat
□ Runny nose □ Shortness of breath
Any person who answers yes to any of these questions or have any of the above symptoms will be placed
in quarantine or isolation for up to 14 days.
I, __________________________, hereby declare that the above information is correct.


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Signature                                         Date