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Modification No. 1 of 2021 – PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) Regulation 2021



NOTICE OF the BOARD (No. 1 of 2021)
Pursuant to paragraph 13 of Regulation 5A of the Public Health Act
(Dangerous Infectious Disease) Regulations 2020, as amended.


IN ACCORDANCE WITH paragraph 13 of Regulation 5A of the Public Health Act (Dangerous Infectious Disease) Regulations 2020, as amended,
the Board with the approval of the Cabinet hereby authorizes that Regulation 5A of the Public Health Act (Dangerous Infectious Disease) Regulations be modified to permit the use of beaches throughout Antigua and Barbuda on –

Monday 2nd August, 2021 (usually referred to as Carnival Monday); and
Tuesday 3rd August, 2021 (usually referred to as Carnival Tuesday)

Persons throughout Antigua and Barbuda shall be permitted to use the beaches on the stated days from 5:00a.m to 7:00p.m for a therapeutic purpose.

Persons shall not be permitted to picnic, consume alcohol, food or play music on any beach during this time.

Made the 29th day of July,2021



Eustace Lake
Chairman of the Central Board of Health